Deck Permit
Application Process
STEPS to Obtain
the Deck Permit:

Does your "deck" have a roof?
Then it is NOT a deck, and this is not the application process you need.
Please see the Addition/Porch/Attached Garage page.
Gather required documents #1- #8 (see below) to make complete application packet.
Submit complete application packet via email to office@allcroix.com. You will be sent an email back stating it was received. You can also drop it off in the office during Walk-in Office Hours. (See the Contact Us page for details.)
Wait patiently for permit application to be reviewed. The review process may take up to 10 business days to complete. (This timeline is dictated by state code and the countdown starts upon the receipt of a complete packet.) Plan accordingly.
Pick up and pay for your permit. When your permit is ready for payment, an email will be sent with the cost and instructions for paying if you are in a township. If you are building in a City or Village, the City or Village will contact you for payment and pick up. Note: Starting the project prior to having the permit in-hand may result in double permit fees/daily fines.
Begin inspection process. (The first inspection will be BEFORE the holes are backfilled.) To find out more about the inspection process, click here.

Did You Know?
Any deck, whether connected to a structure or free-standing, that serves as an exit must meet the standards of the WI Uniform Dwelling Code SPS 321.255 (1).
Chapters SPS 320 to 325
Appendix B
2. Copy of Land Use/Zoning/Conditional Use Permit
(Note: A Land Use or Zoning permit is NOT the same as a building permit.)
It is up to the applicant to make sure that all zoning regulations are being followed. This includes but is not limited to making sure there are not restrictions on what you intend to use the structure for, how many structures are allowed, the height of a structure, and the physical landscape of the lot (i.e. slopes, ponds, rivers, easements, protected areas....) Your building permit only addresses construction codes etc. Anything relating to the above is outside All Croix's responsibility. If you are unsure who to contact about zoning, click here.
3. Copy of County-recorded Certified Survey Map (CSM) or the County-recorded Complete Plat Map
Most properties have a certified survey map or are recorded on a plat map for the development. These documents can be obtained from the County Register of Deeds. This document may show the setbacks for the property as well as any easements or pre-platted driveways. If the property is part of a development, we need the complete plat map for the development (in order to see notes and the legend pertaining to the development.) We do not want the house stake out plan for this requirement. (The house stake-out plan, however, is sufficient for the site plan.) We want the official document recorded at the County that includes a legend. Note: It will have a stamped county seal. If your property is unplatted and a formal map is not available, it is your responsibility to contact the zoning administrator for your property for setbacks or any other information pertinent to zoning. If you are unsure who to contact about zoning for your property, click here.
4. Complete the Residential Addition Building Permit Application
Filled out in its entirety, sign and date.
5. Obtain or Draw Deck Plans
These can be hand drawn but should include a side view and a top view of the deck including dimensions, beams, joists, construction materials etc.
​​6. Complete the WORKSHEET (Design Load Specifications)
This is the worksheet provided by the state to show compliance with the standards in Chapters SPS 320 to 325 APPENDIX B and Appendix C, if applicable. (PLEASE NOTE: These standards do not account for privacy screens, planters, built−in seating, hot tubs, stairs for multiple− level decks, etc. Engineering analysis is needed for decks with these designs.
7. Sign the Cautionary Statement
If you are the homeowner applying for the permit, you must sign and submit the cautionary statement.
8. Complete a Site Plan
This should detail deck placement on the house as well as house placement on the lot. Please fill out completely, notating the actual distance from the structure to lot lines. You may use a copy of satellite map or plat map or CSM as long as the structure is clearly marked and identified with the setback distances labeled.
9. Copy of Recorded Deed
If you have had a recent property transfer, you must provide a copy of the recorded deed if the transfer has not yet been updated in the Pierce County or St. Croix County GIS