The inspections needed are marked on your permit.
These are the inspections required in accordance to the Uniform Dwelling Code SPS 320.10 and the WI Commercial Building Code SPS 361.41.
Checked at Every Inspection.
Erosion control is not a stand-alone inspection (though it can be if there is a complaint.)
Erosion control inspections begin with the first inspection (which is usually a footing inspection) and continue through out the building process.
Erosion control measures must be placed prior to excavating. This includes a tracking pad to keep sediment off roads. Tracking pad is 50’ of breaker rock or gravel mulch (Class 5) from road to structure
Erosion control measures also include keeping adjacent properties free from blowing construction materials and run-off sediment from rainfall etc.
Inspected before pouring cement
or filling post-holes.
If you are building a post frame building-- your "footing" inspection is a HOLE inspection. If you are constructing a smaller-sized garden shed, your "footing" inspection is an anchoring inspection.
Call for inspection BEFORE cement is poured.
Forms should be placed on suitable soil with the required reinforcing rods. The continuous forms should also have the correct width and depth. Bleeders may be required in wet soil.
Tracking pad and erosion control measures MUST be already in place.
This is the inspection in which the inspector determines whether drain tile is needed for a new dwelling. Please be sure to check your inspection report to find out if you need a complete drain tile system.
Inspected before pouring cement
but after rebar is in.
Poured Foundations
Call for the inspection after the required reinforcements are installed but BEFORE cement is poured.
Wood or Block Foundations
Call for inspection after waterproofing but before backfilling.
Review Footing Inspection Report to See If Required.
Must Be Inspected Prior to Backfilling.
Drain tile must be installed in clay soil types.
The building inspector determines soil type at the footing inspection. You must review the footing inspection to see if a complete drain tile system is called for.
If it is, then your excavator must be informed so that they can request a drain tile inspection.
Yes, the Formadrain was probably already inspected; however, this inspection is a separate inspection to view the rock.
If you choose to install drain tile as precaution but is not indicated as necessary by the building inspector, an inspection is not needed (and you will be charged for the extra inspection if you request one that is not needed.)
If the building inspector calls for drain tile, it MUST be installed and inspected.
Inspected prior to covering with poly.
The underground plumbing inspection is usually requested by your WI Master Plumber.
This inspection takes place before the basement floor poly inspection.
Inspected (with In-Floor Heat) prior to pouring the floor.
If there is in-floor hear, it is inspected with the poly inspection.
An inspection of the under floor vapor retarder as required before pouring the floor and after any underground plumbing inspections. An in-floor heat inspection is also done at this time so be sure to coordinate subcontractors.
Poly (Vapor retarder material) needs to be installed directly under the concrete floor slab.
Vapor retarder material needs to be at least 6 mils in thickness.
Joints in the vapor retarder need to be overlapped at least 6 inches and taped or sealed (including around plumbing penetrations and sump pump)
Have to use non-porous tape (ex: Tyvek tape)
Not required under the slab of an unconditioned attached garage.
In-floor heat inspection done at this time as well. Must be pressure tested.
Sign off of certificate required before utility company will energize the service.
Not the same as a rough-in electric inspection. This is for the utility company to energize a meter socket.
Electrical Service Forms Linked Below. Please note, if you have any problems with these forms, contact the utility company.
Determine which utility provides service for the project location.
Complete all the steps required by Utility Company for new service or service upgrade. (Create account etc.)
Master Electrician installs service.
​Master Electrician completes the correct utility's Electrical Service Certificate and uploads to All Croix via Inspection Request Form (Request an Inspection.)
​​Please make sure you have the correct form. A Wisconsin Licensed Master Electrician must sign the form.
Incorrect or incomplete forms will be charged additional administration fees for resubmittal.
Once All Croix receives the completed certificate upload, we schedule the inspection. Upon an approved inspection, the inspector signs off on the certificate and then sends the certificate to the Utility company​.
Framing and rough-In inspections of plumbing, HVAC, and electric are done at the same time,
prior to covering with insulation.
Framing: Basic framing of the project is complete. Notching and boring will be checked at this time as well as fireplace construction and clearances. You must have truss plans and construction plans on site or it is an automatic failure and you will be charged for not being ready.
Rough Electric: All electrical boxes in place, wire is pulled and stapled, wires in boxes are stripped, tied, and pig-tailed. Please note: Rough Electric and Electric Service are two different types of inspections
Rough HVAC: Heat register openings and cold air return cavities are in place.
Rough Plumbing: This inspection must be coordinated with your plumber. An air test is required. Waste and vent plumbing must hold 5 PSI of air for 15 minutes. Gas and water lines also need to be pressure tested. Plumbing less than an 1¼ inches from the wall has to be nail-plated.
Must have approved framing and RI"s before insulation.
Inspect before covering.
Insulation must match inputs used for submitted heat loss calcs (Res Check) and cross section plans.
Window-U values must also match submitted inputs for heat loss calcs.
Permanent certificate from heat loss calc on or by electric panel
Penetrations sealed
Continuous vapor barrier on warm side of all insulation
Final Inspection Checklists Linked Below:
ALL permits require a final inspection of all components and systems BEFORE OCCUPANCY. Occupancy includes the storage of personal or business belongings, items, equipment. You may not move anything into your building BEFORE the final inspection. Failure to comply will result in the loss of bond monies and/or daily citations and fines.
There is a checklist of requirements for each type of project. All requirements must be ready at the time of inspection or you will be charged a “not ready” fee.
Please note: By code, new house final inspections may take up to 5 full business days from the time you are ready. Though we can usually get to the final inspection within a day or two, a failure may result in a five day wait. Please plan accordingly! (All other inspections make take up to two full business days.)
If a permit does not receive an approved final inspection, it remains open. If the permit expires before receiving an approved final, the permit remains open and in a violation status. This is a permanent record that stays with the property address. It is the APPLICANT'S responsibility to schedule finals and re-finals.