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Solar Array
(Residential and Commercial)
Permit Application Process
STEPS to Obtain
the Building Permit:
Gather required documents #1- #8 (see below) to make complete application packet
Submit complete application packet via email to You will be sent an email back stating it was received. You can also drop it off in the office during Walk-in Office Hours. (See the Contact Us page for details.)
Wait patiently for permit application to be reviewed. The review process may take up to 10 business days to complete. (This timeline is dictated by state code and the countdown starts upon the receipt of a complete packet.) Plan accordingly.
Pick up and pay for your permit. When your permit is ready for payment, an email will be sent with the cost and instructions on paying if you are in a township. If you are building in a City or Village, the City or Village will contact you for payment and pick up.
Begin inspection process. To find out more about the inspection process, click here.
Submit complete application packet via email to You will be sent an email back stating it was received.
Provide copies of all documents listed below.
1. Construction Drawings
Construction plan showing PV array configuration, wiring system, overcurrent protection, inverter, disconnects, required signs, AC connection to building, and attachment detail for roof mounted or footing details for ground mounted.
Plans for installations on commercial buildings need to be engineer stamped
2. Spec Sheets & Installation Manuals
Include specification sheets and installation manuals for all manufactured components including, but not limited to PV modules, inverters, combiner box, disconnects, and mounting system
3. Site Plan​
Required for ground mounted arrays
Include distances from array to centerlines or road right of ways, property lines, and/or other structures
4. Certified Survey Map or Complete Plat Map
Must be the recorded document from the Register of Deeds (Ask the Register of Deeds if there is a CSM OR Complete Plat Map available for the lot. If there is a plat map, you will need the COMPLETE PLAT MAP.)
If a CSM or Plat map is not available, contact the zoning administrator for property classification and corresponding setbacks, etc.
5. Zoning Permit
(Required unless the project location is in a Village or City)
Required in Pierce County​ (aka Land Use permit)
Only required in St. Croix County in certain circumstances. Please check with Community Development at St. Croix County. In the town of St. Joseph, you need a zoning permit from the zoning administrator for the town for all ground mount arrays .
For Zoning Contact Information, click here.
6. Town Board Variances/Waivers​, if applicable
If any were required, you must provide a copy of meeting minutes or board letter of approval stating the conditions of the approval
7. Complete the Cautionary Statement
If you are the homeowner applying for the permit, you must sign and submit the cautionary statement. Or if you are a solar array installer without both WI Dwelling Contractor and Dwelling Contractor Qualifier licenses numbers, the homeowner must sign the application as well as this cautionary statement.
8. Solar Array Application​
Complete and submit with the above required documents. Please note, if you are a Solar Installation Company, you must have a valid WI dwelling contractor license AND a valid WI dwelling contractor qualifier license to sign this application. If you do not have these licenses, the homeowner must sign the permit application and also a Cautionary Statement.
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