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Village of Ellsworth / ETZ
Permit Application Process
STEPS to Obtain
a Zoning Permit:
Did You Know?
Zoning district and
tax assessor classifications
are not the same thing.
If you are on Pierce County's GIS website trying to find out what a property is zoned, YOU ARE NOT looking at the property zoning, you are looking at the tax classification.
Zoning districts for the Village of Ellsworth and the ETZ are found on the
Village of Ellsworth GIS.
Village of Ellsworth Zoning Permit:
If you are in the Village of Ellsworth and your project does not require a building permit, you must get the Village of Ellsworth Zoning/Use Permit. If a building permit is required, the zoning aspect of the structure will be reviewed under the building permit.
Towns of Trimbelle, Town of Ellsworth
ETZ Land Use Permit:
If you are in the Town of Trimbelle or the Town of Ellsworth and your project does not require a building permit, then you must get a ETZ Land Use Permit. If a building permit is required, the zoning aspect of the structure will be reviewed under the building permit.
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